Sunday, January 21, 2024

Stiff Dicks

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Just Imagine...

...if things had been different. Like her vagina had developed into a penis. Just looking at that luscious pussy I wouldn't have been surprised if she didn't have a 7 to 8 incher, with a beautiful set of testicles to make everyone drool, boys or girls. 

Yeah, and in this pose she would definitely have an erection. And it would be awesome and everyone would worship it without hesitation. 

Maybe she would still get boobs and become another shemales and drive the guys wild and make them masturbate like crazy to pictures of her in seductive poses....

Just imagine....She's probably thinking..."Beat your horny meat, boys, make it squirt for me!!"

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

My Lusty Sculpture

You have an incredible way
To mold my sexual clay
Into a lustful display
Using only one hand
You awaken my sleeping desire
Swelling the container of my love
To its max
You wrap your thumb around my trunk
While exploring the main root
Stroking it lovingly with your fingers
Twirling around my nectar orbs
As my pelvis begins to sway
You know how to make my feet flex
My mind is refocused
On the M-word
L, R, F-words

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Fun With Templates

 Fun With Templates

Merging multiple images together can be fun, especially when using layers.

Some straight forward stuff...

Now let's use windows...

Ivory Fun