Tuesday, June 29, 2021

My addiction


I'm Ribaldi Queer and, like a lot of gay men, I have an erection addiction. Other guys and mine, especially. I like getting my penis erect and then photographing it. I also like to share my pictures with other guys. I justify it as art porn. I do have fans. I won't get into any details but the feedback ranges from compliments, suggestive requests, virtual adoration to use as masturbation material. 

Possibly it's an immortality issue, like a mid-life crisis, for those of us getting older in body but not in mind. It's our fear..."OMG, I am never going to have an erection again. I better enjoy it while I can."

But, then again, you could always get one of those blue pills for ED.  And, you also have to admit that having an erection really does feel good. And seeing another guy with an erection...doesn't that get you horny because you know how good it feels...and then you start playing with yourself...you penis gets stiffer and the pleasure begins to surge through your body, which makes your penis get even more stiff...and then you are caught in the cycle...you're stroking your erection and it feels so good...and then you want to share it because you know that adoration will make you all the more horny and feeling good...heck, you don't need to ejaculate...rubbing your stiff, erect penis feels so good, you don't want the pleasurable feeling to go away....

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